28 November 2008

Successful swap: one out, one in

The Repowering Project: Day 7 (Tuesday)

Tuesday was fine, not too windy, and we prepared ourselves for the interesting task of getting Nahani across to the dinghy wharf without power. The captain and mate had devised various ways of doing it with ropes, but the bosuns brought the work boat round to tow us over. This proved no easy task, and without the help of Rolf and Deborah aboard Nahani, the mate in the dinghy to take a rope ashore at the critical moment, and a kind passer-by to take it and pull her in, we would never have got there. But finally we were securely tied up, ready for Keith to come and manage the engine exchange.

Vic Belbin, the Perkins' new owner arrived with ute and trailer, ready to collect his purchase. Keith arrived at about midday, bosun Ron drove the crane on the wharf, and the Perkins was hoisted up, swung out past the backstays and the new radar antenna, and out on to Vic's trailer. We added all the spares collected first by Steve, then by the captain over the years since the engine went into Nahani, and finally Vic had the Perkins secure and ready to go.

Meanwhile, Keith had uncrated the Yanmar, which he had picked up for us and brought on his trailer. He moved his ute and trailer where Vic's had been, fitted slings around the new engine and we reversed the process with the crane, this time putting the new engine on to a plank in the cockpit, ready to move it in under the doghouse and lower it down into the boat. At this point, the mate had to leave to catch a flight to Melbourne, so the rest of this blog is based on the captain's recollections, as told to the mate on her return.

Using the same techniques that were used to get the Perkins out, the Yanmar was slid inwards on the plank, suspended from the hatch above the companionway, lowered to the cabin sole, then slid backwards on to the engine beds, temporarily in position.

The captain thought he might have to wait until the next morning to take the boat back to the berth, but later in the afternoon Rolf and Deborah returned with a 150m length of Spectra rope that they used to tie up to the shore in Patagonia, and used the dinghy to take the rope from Nahani back to the berth. The boat was then pulled gently over and into the berth, using the anchor winch. Easy, when you have expert assistance!



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